Stone sculptures Artelier Sophia also makes stone sculptures specially to your liking! The following sculptures include both commissioned work as free work. < portfolio Please enable JavaScript to properly view this page. Stone sculpture “Hope is Life” Stone Sculpture Torso female Stone sculpture “Squatting Lady in Rock” Stone sculpture “Stonemason” Stone sculpture Mother and baby Stone sculpture “Owl Bookends” Stone sculpture “Woman Face” Stone sculpture DUBAI Stone sculpture Jonah and whale Stone sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' black Stone sculpture ''Man and Woman Face'' Stone sculpture Torso Stone sculpture “Man” Stone sculpture Aquarium Stone sculpture “Abstract Face” Stone sculpture ''Woman in Motion'' Stone sculpture ''Eagle'' Stone sculpture Woman Torso Stone sculpture “Cubist Woman” Stone sculpture ”Mother and Baby” pink Stone sculpture ‘’Woman Posing’’ Stone sculpture ''Fish'' Stone sculpture “Swan” Stone sculpture “Bird” Stone sculpture Mother and child Bronze and Stone sculpture “Carrara Lady” Loading... Jan 22, 2015Sophia Harms- van Estrik