Music & Mythology < portfolio Please enable JavaScript to properly view this page. Stone sculpture Jonah and whale Bronze sculptures ''Three Ballerinas'' Bronze sculpture ‘’Grace 3 Thalia’’ Bronze sculpture “Conductor” Bronze sculpture ''Venus'' Bronze Sculpture “Pas de Deux” Clay sculpture Artemis Bronze sculpture ‘’Grace 2 Euphrosyne’’ Bronze sculpture ''Apollo'' Bronze sculpture “Violinist” Bronze sculpture ''Sophia'' Bronze sculpture ‘’The Three Graces’’ Bronze sculpture of “Isadora Duncan” Bronze sculpture ''Apollo and Daphne'' garden Bronze sculpture ” Female Violinist” Bronze sculpture “Beethoven Pianoconcerto no.4” Bronze sculpture ''Apollo and Daphne'' Bronze sculpture “Phoenix” Wire netting sculpture “Angel” Bronze sculpture of “Grace 1 Aglaïa” Bronze sculpture ''Harpist'' Loading... Jan 22, 2015Sophia Harms- van Estrik