Garden Statues < portfolio Please enable JavaScript to properly view this page. Chrome sculpture ''Car Mascot'' Bronze sculpture “Phoenix” Stone sculpture ''Woman in Motion'' Styrofoam sculpture ''Businessman'' Stone sculpture “Cubist Woman” Bronze sculpture ''Apollo and Daphne'' garden Stone sculpture DUBAI Bronze sculpture Rooster, detail Bronze sculpture ''Abstract Woman'' garden Bronze sculpture ''Eagle'' Stone sculpture “Hope is Life” Bronze sculpture ''Lady Thinker'' Bronze sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' detail Lightweight concrete “Fertility” Stone sculpture ''Man and Woman Face'' Bronze sculpture “Rooster” Bronze sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' big Bronze sculpture ''Abstract Woman'' Bronze sculpture “Flying fishes” Bronze sculpture ''Female Torso'' garden Bronze sculpture ''Embrace'' garden Stone sculpture Jonah and whale Bronze sculpture ''Male Torso'' garden Stone sculpture “Squatting Lady in Rock” Stone sculpture Torso Bronze sculpture ''Foot'' Loading... Jan 22, 2015Sophia Harms- van Estrik