Children < portfolio Sophia Harms van Estrik, sculptor loves children in movement or with the family. Please enable JavaScript to properly view this page. Raku sculpture “Family” Raku sculptures “Miscellaneous” Bronze sculpture ''Father and Son'' Mother and child, plaster Bronze sculpture ''Woman in Expectation'' Stone sculpture Mother and baby Bronze sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' big Bronze sculpture ''Working Mother with Child'' Bronze sculpture ''Mother with Three Children'' Bronze sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' detail Bronze sculpture ''Playing Children No. 4'' Stone sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' black Bronze sculpture ‘’Mother with Two Children’’ large Bronze sculpture ''Playing Children No. 1'' Bronze sculpture ‘’Skipping Rope’’ Bronze sculptures ''Playing Children No. 2'' Bronze sculpture ''Pregnant Woman'' Bronze sculpture ''Mother and Baby'' small Stone sculpture Mother and child Bronze sculptures ''Playing Children No. 3'' Bronze sculpture ''Children on Globe'' Bronze sculpture ‘’Mother with Two Children’’ small Stone sculpture ”Mother and Baby” pink Loading... Jan 22, 2015Sophia Harms- van Estrik